This text is in english because is dedicated to Romos, a young music producer from the USA whose music I completely recommend. I took care of making it universal because this feeling maybe is shared by a lot of artists and not only writers :P. Dreamgiants Somewhere deep in the minds of we the creators there's something incredible; that's us! But this must not be mistaken with arrogance; on the opposite, we need to fight against our self-esteem in order to keep working for our objectives. That's why we appreciate support that much, that's why our eyes and mouths shine everytime someone says they love our work; because we can't create without our dear public, which makes us exist. That big spectrum haunting our minds is our hopes of what we'll become. Now I am a little artist nobody cares about; in my skullroom I don't see me as that, I see myself as someone who will leave something which will be worth dedicate some time. That someone is who's going ...